PES2012 官方补丁1.02的最新消息!

2021-10-09 19:19 齐达内 未知

  补丁会在11月中提供下载,并且是免费下载(PS3 XBOX PC平台均有)
  补丁改进门将,跑步停滞,点球和任意球系统,修复一些已知BUG,并改善GAME PLAN 菜单,使之更便于使用
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has outlined the content for a planned update for PES 2012.
Due for release mid-November, the free download is designed to enhance the playing experience for PlayStation(R)3, Xbox 360(R) and Windows PC users. It adds improved goalkeeper performance, removes the stuttering effect during running, makes small adjustments to the penalty and free-kick systems, and fixes some small bugs that have been reported.
Changes have also been made to the structure of the Game Plan menu, making them easier to navigate and use.
The update is in response to user feedback, and reaffirms KONAMI's commitment to improving PES 2012.
