Today we are happy to announce the release of our IMs mod season 18/19 for FIFA 18
The version of the patch will fix many issues of the defeault FIFA 18 game and add other great features in order to improve and enhance your FIFA 18 experience like:
-all big leagues season 18/19 promoted and relegated teams (Germany,France,Italy,England,Spain all leagues)
--China and Romain leagues
– Brasileirao fully updated ON 10/19/2018, with real rosters, missing teams added (Corinthians, Flamengo, Bahia and Vasco), and new promoted teams for 2018 season added too (Internacional, América MG, Ceará and Paraná).
– Campeonato de Chile fully updated with real rosters and Unión La Calera (promoted for 2018 season) added.
– Greek Super League 2017/18 added and playable in Career and Tournament modes, with updated rosters and graphics for all the teams (thanks to Mogolos).
– Czech HET liga 2017/18 added and playable in Career and Tournament modes, with updated rosters and graphics for all the teams (thanks to Roman Hovorka and Mogolos).
– Added 2018 season promoted teams in colombian, korean, japanese, norwegian and swedish leagues (replacing relegated teams).
– UEFA Champions League 2017/18 group stage missing teams added in Rest of World.
– UEFA Europa League 2017/18 group stage missing teams added in Rest of World.
– Al-Ahly (EGY), Auckland City (NZL), Kitchee SC (HKG) and Los Angeles FC (USA) added in Rest of World.
– “Rest of world team” with missing important players added.
– FIFA Club World Cup, AFC Champions League and CONCACAF Champions League playables in Career Mode.
– Fixed Copa do Brasil (now with 20 teams).
– Fixed SSE Airtricity League and Irish EA Sports Cup (now with 10 teams, and Waterford added).
– Licensed names, kits, minikits and logos for all the unlicensed teams.
– Licensed names and logos for unlicensed leagues and competitions.
– Fixed Cádiz CF kits (thanks to carrasco1live).
– 18 new player faces edited via ingame editor (thanks to decoruiz).
– Animated adboards for UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League (thanks to Andy).
– New animated adboards for Premier League teams (thanks to Andy).
– Custom flags for some teams.
– Two “Classic XI” teams with FUT Icons and FUT Legends.
– Alternative squads file with FUT Icons players available as Free Agents in Career Mode (please, read the instructions to know how to use the squads file).
– 21 new manager faces unlocked and real manager names for all teams.
– Real stadium names for all teams.
– Unlocked all World Cup stadiums in all game modes.
– Unlocked all boots and balls.
– Uncloked all the new faces added in World Cup update in all game modes.
– FIFA World Cup mode updated with realistic squads and 23 players per team.
– Squads updated to September 1st 2018
In next squads updates we improving all transfers and including more new players
2、本补丁是.cgm格式的,需要使用CG Explorer加载。
3、打开CG File Explorer18(始终以管理员身份运行该程序)并在FIFA 18目录中选择“FIFA18.exe”文件。
4、然后,CG File Explorer 18会要求你选择你想要安装的mod。选择“Import Patch”并选择IMs patch 2.04 文件。补丁将被导入(这个过程可能需要时间,请耐心等待)。
5、当正确导入mod时,CG File Explorer 18将打开。关闭CG File Explorer和你的FIFA 18将准备好与安装的IMs patch2.04一起玩。
6、通过Origin运行FIFA 18(记得首先断开Origin应用程序)。